Lawn Services
Lawn treatments are applied six times per year. (4 applications on Bahia lawns) Six liquid applications and two or more granular applications make up a typical one year program.
About our fertilizer.....
Liquid and granular fertilizer is applied in coordination with the nutritional needs of the lawn and current weather conditions. In certain situations insect and fungus problems also affect type and amount of fertilizer applied. Fertilizers used by Pro Green are made especially for us and represent over ten years of development for our local needs in respect to our soil type, temp and water conditions. All fertilizer utilizes time release formulas, special mixture of micro-nutrients, and unique sources of iron. The results are stronger roots, increase vigor of turf, increase turf color and greater resistance to insect and fungus infestations.
About insect control.....
Insect control provided by Pro Green covers: fire ants (domestic and imported), sod web worms, mole crickets, grubs, spittle bugs, and chinch bugs. Also available from Pro Green, a special application that lasts ten to twelve months for greater control of fire ants (imported). Special applications for flea and tick control are also available. The most popular insect service provided by Pro Green is the band treatment application, which normally starts at just $15.00 per application. This application places a barrier around the home and prevents insect infestation.
About Fungus Control....
Fungus control provided by Pro Green is done on a monitoring and as needed approach. Keeping pesticide use to a minimum is a high priority at Pro Green. We strive to educate the customer on steps to take to minimize the risk of fungus infestation. Call or email for complete details. When fungus applications are necessary both contact and systemic fungicides are applied for faster and more efficient control.
About weed control.....
Weed control provided by Pro Green under all contracts covers complete broadleaf weed control. These are common weeds that are found in every lawn and need to be controlled. Such broadleaf weeds include: chick weed, cud weed, clover, dandelion, penny wort, dollar weed, and several other varieties. Specialty weed control is available for nut sedge.
Tree Services
We offer a variety of services for trees including the treatment of Spiral White Fly, nutrient deficiencies, and multiple diseases. Please call for details. (772)-286-0510, to speak with Michael.