Information about: Palm trees, Gumbo Limbo, and Banyan trees
The most important factor for a healthy palm tree is good soil. The type of soil determines how much nutrients and water the plant receives. As a homeowner, the best contribution you can make to your palm tree's soil is the addition of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi.
Another vital component of palm tree care is proper fertilization. Palm trees require specially formulated fertilizers that answer to very specific conditions.
Coconut Palm Tree- Infected vs. Healthy
Infected Palm Tree |
Infected Palm Tree |
Healthy Palm Tree - after Treatment |
Healthy Palm Tree - after Treatment |
Gumbo Limbo Tree - Infected vs. Healthy
Infected Gumbo Limbo Tree |
Infected Gumbo Limbo Tree |
Click on pictures above ~ to enlarge
*Infected Gumbo Limbo Tree*
Healthy Gumbo Limbo - After Treatment |
Healthy Banyan Tree - After Treatment |
Healthy Banyan Tree - After Treatment |
Potassium Deficiency |
Potassium Deficiency |
Symptoms: Causes yellow, orange or brown flecks and necrotic margins of older leaves. Withering ("frizzling") begins on these older leaves first. From a distance these leaves often appear brown or orange in color. If deficiency is severe enough, new shoots will eventually be affected. If unattended, the palm may die. Curing the potassium deficiency can lead to magnesium deficiency. To balance, potassium and magnesium should be applied together. Potassium deficiency is common in most species of palms in Florida.
Magnesium Deficiency
Symptoms: Affects the older leaves, causing them to yellow at the edges while the center band stays green. In severe cases leaflet tips also become necrotic. Magnesium deficiency can affect most species of palms. Date palms are particularly susceptible.